Friday, June 15, 2018

Today is Friday.

Today is Friday.

Here is a Friday playlist:

Actually, it's not a playlist at all, just a recommendation.

Listen to all of the songs in Annie Lennox's "Bare", "Diva", and "Medusa" albums.
You will not be disapointed.

For a more reverent Sunday, perhaps listen to:

Thank You: Rene Aubry

Lost and Frozen: Rene Aubry

The Pull of Home: Michael Brook

True Love's Kiss: James Newton Howard

Tessa: Dustin O'Halloran

Eowyn's Dream: Howard Shore

At First Sight: Alexandre Desplat

Eternal Love: Abel Korzeniowski

Have a lovely weekend!
Go to church and clean your bathroom!

Also, if you get a minute, watch this.