Monday, June 11, 2018

we made it!

We made it to our new home in North Carolina!
We're so happy to be here.
The jet lag will take some getting used to,
so will the humidity, and the bugs, and having so many people nearby.
But it's been great and exciting.
This Summer has a lot in store for us.
I've got to finish my sophomore (and maybe a little bit of my junior) year.
I also would like to get a job, I'm saving up for an awesome dirtbike. 
 And maybe sign up for ballet class, I used to do it when I was younger and have regretted quitting every day since.
ALSO: I'm going to Samoa in a couple of weeks for a humanitarian trip!!
I'm really looking forward to that.
It looks like I've got my work cut out for me!

Oh, and it's beautiful here too.