Wednesday, June 13, 2018

I'm a Vegetarian

I'm a vegetarian.
I don't know if that's interesting or not but it is true.
My Dad was trying to gain weight when he was in high school to make the football team, and a friend of his recommended it to him.
I know, I know, it sounds completely backwards, but he gained weight and really liked it. He never went back! Being a vegetarian doesn't mean we eat grass and weird smoothies and nothing else. And I've heard enough of the "Where do you get your protein?" questions. All food has protein, but foods like beans, grainy bread, nuts, dairy.
We're not frail little birds. It's a healthy lifestyle.

When my parents met, my dad introduced this new eating habit to my mom, she tried it, and lost a couple of pounds!
So I guess whether you want to gain weight or lose weight, be a vegetarian, and see what happens.

Ok enough about being a vegetarian, here are some memes: