Tuesday, July 17, 2018


So I haven't posted in over a month...
It's been a busy busy Summer.
First of all, we moved across the country, that was kind of a big deal.
Then, we unpacked and unpacked and unpacked for a little while.
Then, I went to Samoa.
That story will be shared later this week.
And then me and Jane went to Girls Camp- It's a mormon thing. But not exclusive to non-mormons!
Pretty much we go as a ward into the mountains and spend a week camping up there together. 
We do lots of activities (spiritual and not spiritual), we eat lots of unhealthy food, and we stay up all night long.
It was really fun this year because I got to know all of the girls in our new ward which was awesome.
And to top it all off, I have to finish my BYU Independent Study classes in a month before school begins in August.
So, yes, it's been real.
I just want to take a break, you know?