Thursday, July 26, 2018

because summers are boring...

Because Summers are boring...
I have made a list of things that will make it less boring.

Take up some sort of new exercise (yoga, running, ballet, mountain biking...)

Start journalling

R E A D - The Book of Mormon, Little Women, The Lunar Chronicles, Heartless, Wildwood, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Betsy Tacy and Tib, and Archie Comics are some of my favorites.

Learn about something new- Get a book about it and do some research. I love teaching myself about new things. Once when I was 13 I went to the library and checked out a book called: "Pregnancy for Dummies" because I want to be a Labor and Delivery nurse. I learned more about what I needed to know that week in the Summer reading that book than an entire school year of taking a Child Development class! Although my parents were a little concerned when they first saw me reading it...

Go on picnics

Watch movies- My favorite movies are: Elizabethtown, Marie Antionette, Pride and Prejudice, all 3 of The Hobbit movies and all 3 of the Lord of the Rings movies. Our family also loves all the Mission Impossible movies, Knight and Day, Mickey Blue Eyes, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and 13 going on 30, to name a few.

Enjoy your last few weeks of Summer!