Monday, July 23, 2018

Temple Trip!

Last week my family and I went on a day trip to Columbia South Carolina to go to the temple! 
I was so excited to go because we don't have an open lds temple in North Carolina, we have one that is being renovated though! 
So we left the house at around 10:00 am, stopped for lunch in Charlotte NC, and made it to Columbia at around 2:00 pm.
My parents went in for a session first while me and my siblings (including Angus) hung out outside until they were finished.
 They got out at around 7:20 pm and me and Jane and Oliver got to go inside and do some work ourselves.
 It was really awesome. I love being in the temple- it's such a sacred place and I feel very close to God within its walls.

When we got out and were ready to go get some dinner and head home, we found that the battery was dead in our car (this was about 8:15 pm). Apparently someone (I won't name any names) left the keys in the car while we were waiting for our parents in the temple so that the AC could stay on... 
Well, we hung out in the parking lot of the temple for a couple of hours, missed dinner, and rolled home at around 2:00 am.

But I'm still so grateful that we got to go to the temple and feel the blessings we received from serving there. I can't wait till next month when we plan on doing it again!
Hopefully the battery won't die this time.