Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Auction

Right now we are living in a rental home in Chapel Hill NC.
But soon we plan on building a home just outside Chapel Hill in a more rural area.
About 15-20 minutes from the lot where we will be building is an auction house that is open on Fridays for livestock auctions.
We got to go last week with our friends the Mangums and it was a lot of fun.
We all put our wranglers and boots back on and it felt like home.

I've been terribly homesick for my home in New Mexico.

I'm so happy here- I've made good friends and I love the trees and fun places, but the ranch will always be tugging at my heart.

The home I had in New Mexico was so good to me,
I was looking back at old pictures and I remembered the good times we had there.

I hope that somewhere down the road, the ranch becomes a part of my life again. But for now, I'll be happy in North Carolina.