Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The color code

When we're headed up to UT to visit family
 we always stay at my grandparents house.
And my mom always sends at least one package over to her house.
This trip was one of those occasions.
We had a dollhouse, 9 pairs of shoes, and a book delivered.
The book was an oldie from the early 2000's.
It's called "The Color Code".
It's the coolest book!

You first take a little assessment
 and it tells you what color most describes your 
There are four colors, red, blue, yellow, and white.
Red people are leaders, they're dominant, decisive, and logical.
White people are submissive and stubborn, agreeable, and kind.
Yellow people are happy, charismatic, fun, and social.
Blue people are loyal, self-righteous, thoughtful, and content.

My dad and Lottie are both dominant reds with a little bit of white.

Me and my mom are both dominant blues with a little white too.

Jane is all on her own as a dominant white with a little bit of blue.

I'm dying to know what the boys are.
I think Nicholas is white and Oliver is either blue or yellow.
I guess they'll just have to figure it out in "The Color Code!"