Friday, April 27, 2018

Happy weekend

Sunday is my favorite day of the week.
First, because we get to go to church and fellowship with the other members of the ward.
Second, because I get to spend the day resting, and preparing for the new coming week. Planning is one of my favorite things to do.
Third, because we get to have good food with family.
And fourth, because I listen to my favorite kind of music, which is film score/instrumental.

This Sunday I'll be listening to Jean Yves Thibaudet's

A little thing to think about over your weekend:

I believe in God, I believe that He has all power and all wisdom and that He created all things including me and you! I also believe that He loves all of us unconditionally.

If you want to learn or read more about God and Jesus Christ, I have just the thing for you!

Hooray for the weekend!!!!