Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Arizona, and the pinkie

We came to Arizona for three reasons:

First of all, to visit and stay with the Jones family! Our favorite family ever! We love them and they're the best.

The second reason is (as I said in my last post) that we're moving to North Carolina, but we don't quite have a house yet... So we're hanging out in AZ until we find a house to rent. The plan is to rent a house in the Raleigh area for about a year while we build a new house in a more rural area, I'm really excited!

The last reason that we're hanging out in AZ for a little while is because my mom has just gone through surgery on her hand. She and my dad were in an airplane crash in 2008 and they were both severely burned. They've gone through countless surgeries in their lifetime, and will probably go through more. It's just a part of life for us now. Anyway, my mom's hands are burned pretty bad and one of her pinkies broke in the crash. It healed broken because the doctors didn't do anything about it (they had much more pressing matters to attend to). It's been hurting her for almost 10 years. So she decided to have it amputated while we were here, my mom's favorite doctor (Dr. Sal Letteri) lives here so we just took care of it while we're in town!

It was a lot more emotional than I thought it would be, we were all attached to little pinkie. And now it's gone. My mom is recovering, slowly, her pain medication makes her really sick. And when mom's miserable, everyone's miserable. We're all bummed right now, but when my mom's better, I think it will feel worth all the work.