Thursday, May 31, 2018

A recap

Our wonderful trip in Arizona is coming to a close.
We're driving up to the Jones' cabin for the weekend before heading out!
So I'll give a little recap of this amazing trip that we've had!

First, a goodbye party for the pinkie.

And then a long recovery,

Plus, a "recovery" cotton candy cake (my mom's favorite) from our favorite bakery Sweet Tooth Fairy.

Cornrows for Gigs.

A fun sewing project,

And two amazing Sunday dinners out in the front yard in the cool Summer evenings.

Lots of rides on the Jones' golf cart too. We were headed to the temple in this picture.

We also spent a lot of time swimming in the heat.

 We went to see "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Solo" too. I enjoyed "Solo", but if you've seen the "Avengers" movie, I think you can understand why I didn't like it.

We had a lot of fun! I'll miss the Jones family!