Tuesday, February 6, 2018

I am sick.

Wednesday morning:
 I woke up for seminary just like any other day, and I couldn't get out of bed.
I had a throbbing headache, a stuffy nose, and body aches.
I get "sick" a normal amount,
an occasional stuffy nose or sore throat isn't all that uncommon to me.
But this, this was miserable.
I stayed in bed and watched movies all day long.

Thursday morning:
I missed seminary again, hoping that sleeping in a few extra hours will end this terrible head cold.
Nope, but I didn't have time to take another sick day,
so, I got dressed, and started school.
I made it through OK, but it was a mistake.

Friday morning:
I go to seminary. A mistake!!!
I felt dead the whole time and when I came home, I just crawled back in bed and read a new series Jane's got me hooked on.
And went to bed at 9:00.

And now, as I'm posting on a Tuesday morning.
I am still sick.