Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Angus Christiansdoggie

We have a dog named Angus.
He is a black giant schnauzer.
And sometimes I love him more than my own brothers.
About a month before we went to pick him up my family and I discussed the options for his name.
The breeders called him Wrangler, which I thought was adorable.
But my mom didn't.
Then Jane wanted to name him Jack and name the female (which we haven't gotten yet) Rose. Because she's a Titanic fangirl.
Lottie wanted to name him something weird like "Blackie" or "Sweetie" or something.
But finally we landed on Angus.
For a few reasons:
First of all: Why not???
Second of all: Giant Schnauzers have a Scottish look to their faces. (It's the beards and bushy eyebrows) And what's more Scottish than the name Angus?
Third of all: We live on a cattle ranch. We raise beef cattle. And the type of cow we have here on the range are Black Angus Cattle!
It was the perfect name. And it suits him! 
When we first got Angus, he didn't' look real.
He looked like a fat sausage or one of those furry stuffed animals with those giant doll eyes.

 But he's grown into those eyebrows now. He's taller than me when he's standing on his hind legs!
 And I can't see his eyes at all.
 He weighs over 75 pounds now. And I stopped holding him a long time ago!
 Giant Schnauzers are very protective and are great for families. He won't leave Lottie's side.
 They also need a lot of exercise and space. So he does really well here at the ranch.
Angus stays on a strict diet of raw chicken legs and pebble dog food. 
 We love him.
He's the best.